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Chrono Trigger

This game is one of the best RPGs ever, clearly the best on the SNES, in my opinion. Though the storyline is a bit hard to explain, I will try my best. In the beginning, you are a teen named Chrono (or whatever you named yourself). You are off to the millenial fair of 1000 AD in Gaurdia Kingdom. You meet up with the princess (who doesn't let on until later) and your inventor friend, and use a teleportation machine. When you try it, it works, but when the princess tries, the pendant she's wearing opens a time warp and she's sucked in. You go in, finding yourself in the same spot, but 400 years ago in the year 600. After finding her, you realize you must save the missing queen before you can get her back. A Frog (who's real name is Glenn, and was turned into a Frog by Magus) who is a very good swordsman commes to help you. You rescue the queen, and go back to the present with the original 3. From this point on, it gets way too confusing and long to explain, so I'll let you find out the rest on your own. You end up getting 3 other members to your party later on. You can get Robo, a robot from the year 2300 AD, Ayla, a savage from the year 65,000,000 BC, and lastly, Magus, a wizard originally from the year 12,000 BC but is stranded in the year 600. The final "object" of the game is to defeat Lavos, a giant monster that fell to the earth in 65,000,000 BC and gained power to create the best creature that could be made. It's weird, but it's great. I would suggest this.
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Pictures (hold your mouse on the picture for a description):

(I may put more of these up later)
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