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Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2

(This Review by Timm)

In most cases, sequel suck. It a known fact of life. This one doesn't, though. They took the greatness of THPS, and made it greater. More, better skate parks and areas, more way to get points, more skater, everything. And, there is now a Create-A-Skater.

Here, Tony takes us to more exotic locations, such as Venice, California, and a Spanish Bullring. The bullring is definately a highlight of the game. It features a huge half-pipe, huge jumps above the bull pit, a rather crappy looking bull in the bull pit, and a giant loop-de-loop, that gives you massive amounts of points. The Create-A-Skater is pretty cool. You can customize almost everything about your new guy.

Like I said this game is awesome. Definately better than the original. The only downside is that once you are able to find ways to get lots of points, it will work on all the arenas, making the game pretty easy. Either way, I've got to give this game a 5. It really does have it all.

Timm's Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.

Pictures: (I will put some of these up later)

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