Welcome To Mark's Corner of the WWW
- Name: Mike McCue
- Nick Names: Me (God of the Tribecks & Head Secret Agent), Chirac, Mikerd, Alex Trebek, McCue, McCute (inside joke)
- Birthday: Friday, 5/2/86
- Favorite Color: Red
- Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza
- Favorite Sport: Baseball
- His Website: MikeSite
- His Favorite Website: "Any that are good"
- AIM sn: Wise Sahasrahla, Hawkeye 5286
- Favorite Video Game System: Super Famicom (known to Americans as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
- Stuff: He's a weird one, but hey. He made basically the granddaddy of all these spinoff sites (like mine), so he's smart like that. He's also a member of webfoot. He also teaches HMTL at GRAMS afterschool on Thursdays.
- Pictures:
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