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Sonic The Hedgehog 2

This is possibly the best Sonic the Hedgehog game, ever. Although it's a sequal, it greatly improved on the original, and didn't lose the Sonic flavor. I believe this game is better than the versions after it because, well, I don't know. It sort of has that original Sonic feel. Anyways, it is a great game, even if you don't like my logic. It is extremely fast paced, and amazingly never slows down. Also, remembering what buttons A, B, and C do are easy, they all do that same thing! Plus, this game is surpisingly long, and has a slew of cool codes that can be easily found with any search engine. The only bad thing about this game that I can think of is the relativly poor sound quality. That has to be expected, though, because it was on the Sega Genesis.
My Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Pictures (hold your mouse on the picture for a description):

(I may put more of these up later)
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