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Super Mario World

The beginning of the game

This was Mario's first game for the Super Nintendo, and let me tell you, it was quite an entry into the 16-bit war. This game far surpassed any other game of it's time in terms of graphics and sound quality. I'm serious. This thing blew away the Genesis, the NES, and many later SNES to come. There really wasn't much of a storyline (there never is), it's basically you have to go and save the princess from Bowser. It was a fun platformer, never the less. This game also had two player capability, making it a good first game with families bigger than one. I'd recommend this game for someone who hasn't played many video games before or a veteran who wants to play something old school

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Pictures (hold your mouse on the picture for a description):
Your MissionGetting Launched from a pipeThe Yellow Switch PalaceActivating the Yellow SwitchBonus Stage!The First Boss, Iggy
(I may put more of these up later)

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